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With all the challenges of 2020, it’s important to slow down, breathe and reflect on the things we have learnt.

We caught up virtually over FaceTime to chat to five Sportsgirls about how they have grown in iso.

“Allowing my ideas and thoughts to flow gives me a sense of purpose.” – Mihad, Media Studies graduate.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about equality/justice for black people and women’s rights in Islam.

What was the most important thing you have learned about yourself in iso?

That it is important to spend quality time with me, myself and I.

How did you push through iso and keep yourself motivated?

I’ve been working to help feed those who are in iso and in need of essentials.

How does creativity help with your mental health?

It brings me peace. Allowing my ideas and thoughts to flow gives me a sense of purpose.

What is a piece of advice you would give young people?

 Enjoy your youth!

How can we support each other more?

By checking up on one another, listening and lending a helping hand when needed.

Follow Mihad on Instagram here.


“Getting dressed for the day helps me to keep myself mentally healthy and to keep routine, allowing me to start the day on a positive note.” – Brie, artist. 

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about racial and LGBTQIA+ issues, self acceptance, visual arts (more specifically painting), and the importance of representation and diversity in the modelling industry.

What was the most important thing you have learned about yourself in iso?

That being selfish isn’t always a bad thing and how my self worth is not determined by the amount I accomplish.

How did you push through iso and keep yourself motivated?

My motivation stems from allowing myself to be unmotivated. Sometimes you just need to have a moment to binge-watch Avatar The Last Airbender to get your motivation going again!

How does creativity help with your mental health?

Being quite an emotional and artistic person, through my creativity I make a space where I can freely express my feelings. Having a creative outlet also causes me to critically think about my mental health.

What is a piece of advice you would give young people?

To trust your gut and to trust yourself, just because you’re young doesn’t mean your opinion is any less valid.

How can we support each other more?

By listening and learning from each other.

What is your fave self-care routine?

I’ve really loved doing hot oil hair treatments lately, my curls love it!

Follow Brie on Instagram here.

“Allocate a full day to do a full skin and hair care routine, put on new sheets, do my laundry, file my nails… all while dancing to whatever mood playlist you’re vibing on the day!” – Alexandria, nursing student.

What are you passionate about?

Anything that involves the wellbeing of others, animals and the environment.

What was the most important thing you have learned about yourself in iso?

The power of having a positive, healthy mindset and importance of spending time and effort on self-care activities to promote this.

How did you push through iso and keep yourself motivated?

Strengthening relationships with loved ones, creating art, practicing lots of yoga and meditating – all of which I love to do but I am always super busy to make time for!

How does creativity help with your mental health?

Being creative is a form of release that gives me something to think about, be excited about and focus on away from the everyday stressors of life.


What is a piece of advice you would give young people?

Do you. That’s it!

How can we support each other more?

Perform small asks of kindness to anyone and everyone and be a kind ear to listen, kindness is a gift we call all afford to gift.

Follow Alexandria on Instagram here. 

“You can definitely get a lot done in pyjamas and sweatpants, but nothing feels as good as putting on a clean pair of undies!” – Alex, owner of Melbourne’s Pot Dispensary; a working studio & store hosting pottery wheel throwing events and classes.

What are you passionate about?

Making anything with my hands, and finding a really good book to read. 

What was the most important thing you have learned about yourself in iso?

To take some time for myself in the morning before I start in the studio. Walking with my dog in the morning helps me feel fresh, and like anything is possible again. 

How did you push through iso and keep yourself motivated?

I have a good team around me that keeps me laughing, reminds me to eat all the snacks, and encourages me to only make things that bring me joy.


How can we support each other more?

Just remember to be kind, everyone’s got their own shit.

What is your fave self-care routine?

A bath, a good book and some incense burning cures all.

Follow Alex on instagram here.

“Keep reaching out and staying in touch and reminding each other of positive things.” – Maya, singer, songwriter, DJ and creative illusionist. 

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about music, art and most creative things. I am also passionate about self-respect and health.

What was the most important thing you have learned about yourself in iso?

The most important thing I’ve learnt is to love my space and myself.

How did you push through iso and keep yourself motivated?

I kept myself motivated by going for walks and just taking time for myself.

How does creativity help with your mental health?

It keeps me completely sane. Without creativity I wouldn’t feel like I was accomplishing enough with my time.

What is a piece of advice you would give young people?

I would tell young people to just continue being who they are and trying to not get caught up in social media.

How can we support each other more?

We can just keep reaching out and staying in touch and reminding each other of positive things online. Just keep trying to create as much as we can.

What is your fave self-care routine?

Not wearing any make up at all just heavy amounts of moisturiser.

Follow Maya on Instagram here. 

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